Thursday 2 October 2008

Another catch up

So, what's been going on?

Bayli loves her solid food now. With pears and pumpkins she actually lunges toward the spoon to try to get it quicker. It's very cute. And if she's around while we're eating she watches the spoon/fork/whatever from the plate to our mouths, looking as if she thinks she's missing out. She is also trying her hardest to crawl, or at least push herself along the floor. She's got the leg bit all worked out but just ends up pushing her face into the carpet because the arms are all just a bit complicated. She gets very frustrated...

We finally got our car back, again, after more complications. Kel's father pick it up from the mechanic (after about 2 months) and was kindly driving it up to our place on the friday night of hte father's day weekend. He got as far as Woodford-- the car was jumping out of gear. So he stayed at my parent's place and got a lift the rest of the way with them. Then on sunday, the mechanic (well, not the one who been doing all the work-- his boss) got his wife to drive him up to Woodford from souther Brisbane so he could drive he car back down. He fixed the gear problem with a slight adjustment on the side of the road and did some more adjustments and bolt tightening and stuff back in the workshop. So a few days after that Kel and I went to my paent's place and I caugth the train down so I could pick up the car.

And now we've got it and it seems to be working. Woo hoo. This all started, originall in may last year. Or maybe september last year, depending on how you want to calculate. I think we broke the mechanic. He quit and has given up the trade completely.

Help my parents with a garage sale last weekend. That went pretty well. Pulled in about $600 all up, I think.

What else? Aicon is in. Fans are in. Fence is finished...

That's all for now. Got to go play a game.

Oh, and I've been reading a comic-- Questionable Content. it's great. I read about 1200 episodes in two weeks. Check it out for smart humour and a real story.