She is now officially a big girl in a big girl's bed at home. When she's tired she says, "Sleepy," and goes in and climbs on the bed. And a couple of times she's climbed back out and knocked on the door (which is very cute). And once she fell out as well-- there was scre
Bayli still loves going for walks around the yard at home and is always asking to go on the swing. And she can repeat just about any word she hears, which is great until someone swears. She also loves knocking on doors. All we need to do now is get her to say who it is when someone says, "Who's there."
I still haven't found work. Had a few interviews. Got to the final five with one job and may have another but it all seems very dodgy. (Unroadworthy motorbike for delivering mail, among other things.)
Unfortunately I haven't been using my spare time to do writing as often as I should. I've been doing a bit on The Brighest Light but not a lot. Would like to get it done by mid october to enter it in a competition but I don't like the odds.
I've signed up to play cricket with Stafford again. I checked out the local Woodford team but it was going to cost more money to play on concrete pitches. It'll be a fifty minute drive to home games at Stafford but I can get a lift with Ash (about half an hour away) if I want. It should all be fine. First game is this coming Sunday. That will be interesting.
Kel and I had our second anniversary last month and my parents and sister treated us to a night on Bribie Island (and looked after Bayli while we were gone). We had a cabin ovorlooking the water and a picnic hamper and Kel's parents paid for dinner and the petrol to get there. So thank you very much to everyone involved there. Especially Kel. It was great-- very relaxing and just what we need with another baby arriving shortly.
Speaking of which... Kel is doing well. She is doing lots of card making and is generally pretty busy with that and running around after Bayli. This pregnancy seems to be effecting her much less than the last one. Still no sign of the IC or the low blood pressure, which is great. There's only six weeks to go so it is all starting to get very real. Again. We've done a tour of the maternity ward at Caboolture hospital and it seems much better than Kingaroy. There will be two midwives with us this time, so they can read New Idea and Womans Day in shifts. It'll be great.
We have a double pram already, the trouble is, it takes up about 7/8ths of the boot. When we put a second baby seat in the back seat there won't be a lot of room for other stuff, like luggage or shopping or dogs or cricket gear, or whatever. We've been looking at buying something bigger than a Pulsar but can't really afford it at the moment.
Thats all for now.