Friday 8 May 2009

It's Official

It is now official.

It's twins.

No, just kidding. Unless one of the babies was very good at hiding during teh ultra-sound.

What is official is that we are moving. I've handed in notice at both of my jobs. My last day at Storey will be May 29 and at Australia Post it will be June 12. So, hopefully we will be moving pretty soon after that. I have put my name down on the Asutralia Post website for work at Caboolture and told them I was available from the 19th so...

Kel has been getting migranes pretty bad. She had to call my mother the other day to ask her to come up and look after Bayli. Dad came as well, with the trailer, and they took back a load of boxes and other stuff. Thankfully a lot is still packed up from when we moved last time. There's still a lot of crap though.

And a fair bit of work to do on the house before we can rent it out. Concreting to do, wardrobes to build, bedrooms to plaster and paint and floors to sand (which will actually complete the renovations we started three days before Bayli was born). Okay the plurals weren't necessary-- it's actually only one of each of those things.

What else? Bayli walks nonstop now. It's go, go, go all day long. Except when she's eating or sleeping.

I think that's all for now.

More updates when something happens.


Nicky Strickland said...

Life moves forward! Yay on the dates & setting things into motion.

For Kel - I feel your pain. I was lucky I didn't have a short person to chase, but instead of morning sickness I had migraines (full on ones) for the 1st 3ish months (stupid hormonal changes). Hang in there & sending you anti-migraine voodoo!

sharon said...

woohoo! Woohoo! And Woohoo! it's all so very exciting. except the renovations bit, don't envy you that. Can't wait to have you back in town.

Leanne and Josh said...

Hey are you guys moving to Woodford? Scott, do you want me to do something to our mailman to increase your chances of getting a job? On second thoughts, Josh doesn't want you going through our mail! I have some nice photo's taken at Bayli's party, I'll forward them on.

The Robinsons said...

Yes. moving to woodford first. So not quite 'town' yet Sharon, but getting closer. And yes, Leanne, I can lend Josh a cricket bat... And the pictures would be great, thanks. Should probably post some on here, really.