Sunday 30 December 2007

All About Work

It was the Sunday before Christmas and all through the house,
everyone was excited -- even the mouse.

Well we don't actually have mice, but if we did, I'm sure they would have been excited too.

We were busy working away, packing boxes etc, when Scott's mobile gave a jaunty little ring. He answered most politely as he didn't recognise the number, and was pleasantly surprised to find a gentleman on the line ringing to talk to him about a job in Nanango.

It all started a couple of weeks ago when Scott made use of the wonderful tool that is the internet to find some businesses in Nanango & Kingaroy where he might like to work when we move up there. Being the wonderfully pro-active man that he is, Scott then proceeded to write to these ten or so businesses, telling them how wonderful he is and pleading for them to take pity on us and employ him.

Two weeks later, or there abouts, and he gets the all important phone call that we were waiting for.

It seems the local hardware store in Nanango will be needing to replace a member of staff in early February, and Scott's letter landed in the owner's lap right before he made moves to advertise the position. After being suitably impressed by Scott's charm over the phone, it was arranged that we would head up to Nanango on the Friday after Christmas for Scott to have an interview.

So, after a two hour car trip, a short trip through town and a half hour interview, Scott walked out with a job. He starts on the 4th February and we are very excited. The furtherest he has ever gone for a job interview, but well worth it I'm sure.

To start with it will be about 25-30 hours per week, paid on a casual rate. This suits us as Scott rarely has time off sick. It's about 1.5km from the house and we will save money on petrol as Scott plans on riding his pushbike to work.

So, Yay for us!! No endless weeks of eating baked beans and noodles because neither of us have jobs.


Anne Miller said...

Welcome to Nanango and the South Burnett ... I'm sure you'll enjoy living here!

The Robinsons said...

Thanks, Anne. We're sure we'll love it too. We can't wait.