Saturday 18 September 2010

Renovations and holiday homes

Kel here.

We've been slack, I know. But with a good excuse. We've been staying in a luxury holiday home for the last few weeks, so we've been living the good life - no time for blogging. Actually, we've been staying in the big house while Scott's folks have been away visiting Deborah in the NT. But it's definitely been luxury - running water - oohhh, the things we take for granted. Their first phonecall home we told them we had good news and bad news: The good news was we'd found a house to move into; the bad news was: Damn squatters had moved into theirs.

But they're back now, and harsh reality has seen us trudge back up to the shed for the foreseeable future. And if we're here for the long haul, why not renovate it a bit? So that's what we did. Or, more accurately, Scott did. Walls were torn down (or in this case, strategically placed furniture was re-arranged) with the end result being a bigger lounge room and study, and Bayli and Noah sharing a room. So far, so good. Only a couple of early morning disturbances from Noah, and Bayli thinks it's terrific having him in with her.

With all the extra living room, some of the local wildlife thought it would be nice to drop in - unannounced, in the middle of the night...

You know how when something wakes you up, you sometimes incorporate it into a dream just before you wake up properly? The other night I woke up wiping something cold and wet off my cheek. I'd woken up convinced that I'd been drinking a glass of water, and missed my mouth, hence the cold wet feeling. Just as I was going back off to sleep my logic brain kicked in and I realised that I hadn't been drinking anything at all. So what had I been wiping off my face?!? I turned the light on to discover a tiny frog sitting on the book next to my bed. I then spent the next 5 minutes trying to catch the thing so I could take it outside. I think it was going to try and turn into a prince.

Speaking of princes, our little prince is commando crawling his way around madly now. He has also started to take an interest in standing, which he has previously refused to do. He says "Bye" and waves, claps his hands, says "Boo" and hides his eyes, and is generally very cheeky.

Bayli was very pleased to see Nan and Pop on their return. She spent the next two days following Pop around and "helping". Lucky Pop.

Nan and Pop are off again next week. This time only for two weeks, so we'll be back to the big house. Ooohh, running water. The things we take for granted...

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