Thursday 14 June 2007

Extensions - Chapter 2

The drama peaked (we're not talking Himalayas here, more like Mt Cootha) at 4.30 this afternoon. Kelly received a call from the solicitors to say that the vendors wouldn't be able to be contacted further about the deck negotiations until tonight, so a response would not be forthcoming until tomorrow morning. Not a problem in itself, except that our solicitors are based on the Sunshine Coast and they have a public holiday tomorrow. (Who has two public holidays in one week?!? - Not including Christmas of course.)

So, here's the dilemma we were faced with: We could apply for another extension until Monday, based on the current negotiations as well as the finance, or we could apply for the extension, only based on the current negotiations (confirming that finance had been approved). This could result in one of two responses from the vendor:

  1. The vendor agrees to the extension and we have until 5pm Monday to sort out the issue with the deck. OR
  2. The vendors get stroppy and terminate the contract because we haven't confirmed the finance.
"Why don't you just confirm the finance?" we hear you ask.

"Because then the bastards have us over a barrel," you hear us reply. "If they know we have the finance then we lose all our negotiating power and they tell us to stick it up our jumper."

So, we told them we'd take our chances and apply for an extension without confirming the finance.

At 4.59 this afternoon our solicitors informed us that the vendors had agreed to the extension (phew) and we now have until 5pm Monday to finish negotiating over the deck. So we live to fight another day. Hopefully all this extra stress hasn't been in vain and the negotiations go at least somewhat in our favour.

What on Earth possessed us to but a house 10 weeks before we get married?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tragic yet funny. Fingers crossed for things to all work out. Looking forward to the next installment. Hurry up and move. I'm all lonely up here by myself.