Monday 25 June 2007

Wedding Stuff

Where to start? Our lives are just a hive of activity at the moment. Well, not really, but it makes us feel important to say so.

Okay, Number One:

Kel's wedding shoes have been bought. She was out with Syl on Saturday and saw a shoe sale. Low and behold, there they were. The perfect pair of shoes - the last ones left in that style, and even more amazing, they were the right size! AND, they were marked down to $15. Bargain.

Number Two:

We have written our vows. I know that you're all dying for a preview so here are a few short excerpts... "in you and" "you all I" "you and to". Not necessarily in that order you understand, we don't want to give away to much. But now we've piqued your interest, right?

And we emailed them to the celebrant and she said "They're wonderful".

Number Three:

We're going for another look at the hall this Friday night. Not the ideal time for us to do it, but it is the only time that we can get into it in the near future, so it will have to do. Parents (from both sides) will also be joining us for the expedition, measuring tapes in hand (Hey, Mum and Dad, can you bring that big blue measuring tape that's on the reel? You know, the big rolly-up one? Thanks, Kel).

This will be followed by a tour of the ceremony site - by torchlight, very romantic - and fish and chips at the lighthouse. Mmm, fish and chips.

Number Four:

Deborah got a job!! Yay for Deborah. If only she had the internet, she could read this.

Number Five:

It has been decided (credit for the idea goes to Scott's parents) that on the day after the wedding we will be meeting in a park for a BBQ. All wedding attendees welcome, BYO everything. Not sure of further details at this stage, but it will probably be late morning/lunchtime. Stay tuned for updates.

Number Six:

Deborah got a job!! Yay for Deborah. Still no internet though.

And that's all for now.


Heather said...

Number Two:

I know! I know! "I do", right? Right? :-D

Heather x

The Robinsons said...

Actually, 'I Do' doesn't appear anywhere. it isn't a requirement.