Wednesday 25 June 2008

Cats and Dogs

Yes, I know, it's been more than a week. If you don't like it then don't read... :)


We had a kitten. Sort of. For a night. Kel was in the kitchen the other night and said, "Forsooth, is that a kitten I hear?"

I didn't know what was going on with the strange accent but I went out on the deck to look. And I discovered a kitten shaped patch in the darkness that was making kitten like sounds. I went back in side and informed Kelly of my observations. And that, we thought, was the end of that.

Until, five minutes later, a tiny black kitten came marching in through the doggy door as if it owned the place. It proceeded to spend the next ten minutes wandering around investigating things and climbing on our (thankfully, old and tatty) lounge. Pip was very excited to say the least.

Eventually, Kelly took the tiny, very cute kitten and put it out on the street, hoping it would carry on with it journey and make its way home. Five minutes later, it came back. It sat on the deck for a while eating Pip's dinner and pretty much ignoring her attempts at play. So, I took it and dumped it over the fence right away from the door. And five minutes later...

So, I dumped the tiny black kitten out the back door, hoping it would wander away. And five minutes later...

So I tried again. And closed the door (with Pip inside) and the curtains.

And five minutes later, as I was washing up, the tiny, annoying black kitten climbed up on the BBQ and sat there watching me through the window. I closed the blinds and turned off the lights. Be very very quiet...

About an hour later I put Pip out for the night and found the tiny, annoying stalker kitten in the dog kennel.

I took the damn cat and put it over the neighbour's fence, hoping it would be distracted by the lights over there. And five minutes later... Nothing.

Huh, I won't be out smarted by a tiny, very cute black kitten.

Of course it was on the back deck the next morning.

We took it to the RSPCA. The chick there said the kitten was very thin and had probably been roaming on its own for some time. Hopefully somebody gives the little bugger a home, though apparently not many people take the black ones. It was very cute though.

Oh well.

In more animal news, we were taking Pip for a walk through the park the other day. We generally let her off the leash to wander around on her own. This day, she saw some ducks and trotted a bit closer for a look. The ducks decided, for whatever reason, they wanted to be somewhere else at that time and took off. Pip thought duck hunting looked like a fun sport and head down, ears back, took off in pursuit.

The trouble was, the ducks took off from a pond. The trouble was, the pond was covered with weeds, so it looked green and solid to gullible young puppies (ok she's seven months old but still...).

Dogs normally belly flop if they want to jump into water. Pip went nose first and surfaced a couple of meters out in the water. Thankfully she worked out quickly enough that she could swim and headed for shore. She came out feeling sorry for herself but none the worse for wear.

Kel and I had fun.

Othe rthan that... Bayli's doing great. Kelly is going to be doing Home Day Care. And... Thant's all, I think.

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