Monday 16 June 2008

Lounge rooms and Tracky-daks

Scott writes...

I was changing Bayli's nappy the other day and managed to put her tracky-daks on back to front-- I had the pockets at the back instead of the front. Of course, this does beg the question... Why does a two month old baby need a track suit and, on the slim chance she is going to go for a run or for a workout at the gym, what the hell is she going to put in her pockets?


Bayli's jaundice seems to be clearing up but she's still getting wind really bad. Most babies grow out of that by about three months, apparently... Only about three weeks to go. She starting to try to talk now, making sounds other than just crying and grunting. She's also starting to smile a lot more. It's very cool.

Other than that, the renovations are starting to get somewhere now. I'm doing the final tidy up on the plaster at the moment then it's just painting to go. Woo hoo. Can't wait. It will be nice to be able to do a couple of reasonably little jobs. The wardrobe in the main bedroom. A couple of short stretches of fence. None of these projects really effect our quality of living (unlike not having a lounge room) so they don't have to be done straight away. Then, of course, the bedroom has to be done sometime as well. That involves plastering as well, but it should be reasonably easy compared to the lounge room. Thank god.

We went down to Brisbane the last weekend. It was Bayli's first time out of Nanango and Kingaroy. Some of Kel's friends visited on Saturday. Then we went and visited Jason and Mil on Sunday. It was great.

And Aunite Deborah visited from Lizard Island a little while ago. She met Bayli for the first time.
She met Pip for the first time too, actually. And speaking of Pip, she's taken up plying soccer. We bought her a ball and she loves it-- mainly because she can't pick it up so she pushes it around the yard with her nose until she's too exhausted to run any more. It's great. I don't have to do a thing.

That's all for now. I've decided to try to post at least once a week. We'll see how that goes.

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